Archive for November, 2018

Posted in Uncategorized on November 28, 2018 by whenimborediblog

I guess it’s like I’ve been drained for so long my mind is really feeling it. When I sit down to do work my mind wanders imagining scenarios that will never be.

Why do I do this? I guess I’ll never know.

I’m currently reading mind platter kind of and have ordered a different book by someone called vex king, I’m hoping I can somehow improve myself.

Anyway hopefully those stuffs will help, InshaaAllah.

I feel like I’ve kind of had a crazy year full of times where I just had to be courageous and strong. I feel like I’ve just continuously been put in scenarios where I have had nothing to do but fight my way out and it’s exhausting.

I kind of hope nothing major happens anymore. I’m just tired all I want to do now is sleep eat and study. I have to work aswell though, so there’s that aswell, since a girl needs money.

Anyway, I’m kind of just tired. Tired of this world full of people that continuously seem to hurt me, I kind of wish I could just put a guard up in between the world and my heart so I don’t get emotionally hurt anymore by people’s actions.

But I guess I haven’t figured out how to do that yet, oh wells we shall see what actually happens.

I’m also watching this drama it’s called beautiful girl gong shim.

It’s okay, but it’s a bit sad in terms of the sister. I guess what can you do. You can’t really change people, gong shim can’t change herself. She can only change who she is.

Anyway, I’m tired and I guess I’m gnna have to change so I won’t feel tired anymore.

Tired and worn out I am ahahahaha, I’m glad I started this blog and stuck with it though like who would’ve thought that I’d actually do the stuff I wrote about.

It’s a madness. Who knew!!! Crazzzzzzyyyyy, I guess if I ever have kids one day, InshaaAllah and I’m still around and the internet is still around then I can show them this blog.

MADNESSSSSSSSS KIDS WOT JUST YESTERDAY I WAS A KID, and I just wrote about having kids, what a madness.

I’m off now, off to go and do whatever I was doing before……mwahahahahahahahahahahaha

Posted in Uncategorized on November 14, 2018 by whenimborediblog

Sometimes you just want to rest.

Sometimes you just want a shoulder to cry on.

Sometimes you just want someone to say, no don’t worry I’ve got you.

Sometimes you want to be taken care of instead of being the one doing all the caring.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 14, 2018 by whenimborediblog

Life just seems to be getting tougher and tougher as the years go on.

I’m having to argue with people to be treated correctly, ridiculous I don’t understand why people can’t treat people right.

Also have faced discrimination and continually will have to fight it.

Sometimes I wish I could just have an easy day, filled with beautifully kind people wherever I go. I’ve experienced some days like this. Some days.